Add Shoutbox to Your Friendster Profile

You can add a shoutbox into your friendster like the one from cbox or shoutmix. It's easy, you can do it in 3 step.

Step 1

First you need to register to get an accounts from the shoutbox provider. For the sample you can try shoutmix. After you register, sign in to your account and yfollow the step to setting you shoutbox first. You can set it's background colour, width, height, and you can also set the smiley of your shoutbox.

Step 2
Get the shoutbox code. In quick Start menu, click "Use shoutbox" button, and then choose "place shoutbox on webpage". Here you can set the shoutbox size. After that, copy the shoutbox code.

Step 3
Before you paste the code into your Customize page, you need to convert the code using the converter here.
Paste the shoutbox code into the box, and click "convert". Copy the converted code, and then paste into your Media Box. It's done. Like I said, it's easy. Isn'n it?

How to Use Michael's Friendster Profile Editor

Now I will show you how to use Michael's Friendster Profile Editor. I hope You already have an image URL that you want to use as background & let's start.

1. Fill all the form as you like

There is many form that you must to fill in. Fill thei mage URL form first with the link to image or wallpapers that you have. And then fill colour form. Set is as you like. You can choose a colour you like for text, table background, etc. You also can set the font family, border style, border colour and border size. Try to use transparent colour for the background colour. It make your image background

2. Click the "Generate Friendster Code" Button

If you finish fill in all the form, click the "Generate Friendster Code" button. It will generate the code that must you copy into the CSS at the bottom of Friendster's customize page. Before you do that, you can see the preview of the layout profile you have made. Just click the Preview button. If you not satisfy, you can edit it again.

3. Copy the Code

Copy the resulting code into the CSS box at the bottom of Friendster's Customize Page

How to Change Your Profile Backgroud

This is simple way to change your friendster background.

1. Get an imege URL

What is image URL?Image URL is a link to image or wallpapers that you want to use as background. You can an image that you got on internet, or you can use your image that you have hosting. This is a sample link that you can get from Just click this link and you will understan what is imege URL.

2. Use a code generator to customize your Friendster profile

Code Generator give you a simple way to make code that you can use in Friendster frofile. For the sample, I use Michael's Friendster Profile Editor.
It is a code generator that linked fromFriendster.

3. Start to make your customize profile

It's easy. All you need to do is fill out the form below, click the "Generate Friendster Code "-button and then copy the resulting code into the CSS box at the bottom of Friendster's Customize page.

4. Just Have fun


Here you can get Friendster layout code, and also tips and trik about Friendster. Enjoy it.

Wallpapers Galery

Kata-Kata Mutiara